05. Production aspects

Among the details of the logistical aspects of the exhibition’s production, it would involve conducting the assembly of seven rooms (previously designed), programming talks with experts (confirmation of dates), and programming of various BPPs in two months of work. The design of the exhibition will follow the structure already presented by the Memoir and Tolerance Museum, articulating the discourse of the MBS. The exhibition would involve using the first seven Museum rooms dedicated to thematic axes that traverse the reality of the LGBTIQ community in Mexico City. Therefore, the aim is to transpose these axes with the information gathered from the selection of works in the distinct phases of the project. For example, floor number 3 has a section entitled Diversity with the number 2. (Figure 5).

Figure 5. 3rd Floor of Memoir and Tolerance Museum

Due to the geographical and conceptual coincidence of the Memoir and Tolerance Museum, the proposal related to dance is connected to the emblematic place for the BPP of the community. Therefore, the Memoir and Tolerance Museum’s proposal is not to bring dance into the Museum but to bring the Museum into the BPP. To do this, it will be necessary to programme various BPP throughout the season so that visitors to the exhibition and the talks can attend but participate in a practice. This paradigm change would allow an interrelation and immersion in what is happening today in the MBS in Mexico City. Thus, BPP would require a pair of loudspeakers and microphones from the Memoir and Tolerance Museum. Budgetary considerations take into account all the research work supported by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree 2022-2024 (EMJMD)[1] and the Grant for training and further training in the fields of visual arts, performing arts, music, thought and new creative sectors of the Government of Catalonia 2022-2023 (CLT017)[2]. Concerning partnerships with cultural institutions, the support of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of Memory and Tolerance is expected for the mounting of the exhibition and to cover curatorial and participation fees for those members of the community who participate in the BPP. Community organisations interested in collaborating include Unidad de Salud Integral para Personas Trans (USIPT)[3], Clínica Especializada Condesa[4], Asociación por las Infancias Transgénero[5], and Fuera del Closet[6].

[1] For more details: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/opportunities/opportunities-for-individuals/students/erasmus-mundus-joint-masters

[2] For more details: https://cultura.gencat.cat/ca/tramits/tramits-temes/Beques-per-a-la-formacio-i-el-perfeccionament-en-els-ambits-de-les-arts-visuals-de-les-arts-esceniques-de-la-musica-del-pensament-i-dels-nous-sectors-creatius

[3] For more details: https://www.salud.cdmx.gob.mx/acciones/unidad-de-salud-integral-para-personas-trans-usipt

[4] For more details: https://condesa.cdmx.gob.mx/

[5] For more details: https://infanciastrans.org/

[6] For more details: https://fueradelclosetac.com/

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